Imaging a safer future - No 12 - June 2019

Vicksburg Bridge Assessment

DTSS over the Vicksburg Bridge, in Louisiana.


NEXCO-West USA team provided a demonstration campaign aiming to offer a proof-of-concept evaluation pertaining to the capabilities of its Deck Top Scanning System (DTSS) over the Vicksburg Bridge, in Louisiana.

The infrared scanning process was gotten during day and night hours, a standard approach the company adopts to minimize any possible noise and to increase the likelihood of getting the closest actual delamination scope. The data was obtained in one day and the deficiency analysis for the entire 12,974' bridge was concluded in one week.

Bridges are crucial nodes within the largest arterial road. DTSS provides the means for a faster and safer condition assessment as it does not require lane closures. When the technology is properly applied, it provides more accurate deliverable, more effective decision-making as well as better allocation of financial resources for repairing, if necessary.

NEXCO-West USA joined Nondestructive Testing workshops

German Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM)


NEXCO-West USA sent two engineers to the capital of Germany, Berlin, from June 12 - 18 to attend the Nondestructive Testing workshops organized by the German Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM). NEXCO continually aims to acquire the latest in NDT knowledge, encouraging its employees to be creative and open to new ideas in tackling today's structural inspection problems.

We are confident in our own IR inspection technology, but we also acknowledge that there is always room for improvement; not only in the technology itself, but also in its application. NEXCO believes that great service can only be provided when the workforce grows with NEXCO, because after all, the people are the company.

NEXCO - West USA, Inc.
8300 Boone Blvd., Suite260
Tysons Corner, VA, 22182
